Team List
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Team list


All teams taking part in Nørhalne Cup & Nørhalne Elite Cup have to complete a team list.


On arrival at the match venue on Thursday morning, you must submit your team list at the information office at the ground where you are due to play your matches. All ages will be checked. You must therefore have all documents relating to your players’ ages with you.


Remember that you may apply for Dispensation  

Get Team list here for Nørhalne Cup                or use your login to MyTeam on Procup 



Please make sure that you have this form ready upon arrival at Nørhalne Cup. 


We kindly ask you to be in good time on day one.

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Nørhalne Cup

Nørhalne Cup & Nørhalne Elite Cup is an international tournament for Boys and girls and for Elite / Academy teams. The tournament is well organized and ran throughout and players love their experience, both on and of the pitch.

Idrætsforeningen FREMAD Nørhalne
Gustav Zimmersvej 27, Nørhalne
9430 Vadum


Please contact us for more information, ask for brochure or sign in the tournament.

  +45 4040 3856

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