Team Fee is 1.350 danish kroner pr. team in 5 vs 5
Team Fee is 1.800 danish kroner pr. team in 8 and 11 a side - team Fee might be paid on invoice from us after sign in.
Participant Card A cost 1.025 danish kroner per person.
Includes: Participation in the tournament, full board from breakfast on Thursday May 29th to breakfast on Sunday June 1st, school accommodation, personly gift for all players, trophy for all teams, free tournament bus transport.
Entre Fårup amusement parks cost 205 danish kroner per person.
(Bus transport to Faarup not included).
Card E cost 1.125 danish kroner - for the elite teams
Prices and further information for Elite teams - please visit ELITE
Hotel / Hostel – If you would like accommodation at our very fine Holiday center, or a hotel or youth hostel, there are several options available.
Groups who arrange their own private accommodation will not be accepted.
Faarup Sommerland – All participants at Nørhalne Cup have the chance to visit Faarup Sommerland on Friday afternoon or Sunday.
Faarup Sommerland is located 20 km from Nørhalne and is one of Denmark’s most successful amusement parks with lots of opportunities for fun and activities.
Once admission has been paid, all the rides and attractions are free. If you need transport to Faarup Sommerland, the cost is 10 Euro per person.
We also have special offers for all parents who wish to follow their team. - see parents offer