Cooperate Clubs
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Cooperation with local clubs


There are many of us from Idrætsforeningen Fremad Nørhalne who have been involved in Nørhalne Cup right from its very beginnings, but none of us – and probably nobody else – could have imagined that, having started with a tournament consisting of just 11 teams, its rate of growth would be such that we now have an entry of around 550 teams every year, making it the third biggest football tournament in Denmark. It has been a fantastic journey of development and has been a tremendous boost to our sports club in many different areas.

We have a full range of activities in the club, offering something for members of all ages, but hosting Nørhalne Cup enables us to reap tremendous social benefits. It is a pleasure to see every year as the tournament approaches how the club and the town’s many helpers actually look forward to Nørhalne Cup. Some of them have moved away from the town, but always come “home” to lend their support.
A club and a community such as ours in Nørhalne receives a tremendous boost from the tournament.

The tournament has also had quite an impact on the other sports clubs in the region and in the municipality. The tournament is now so big that without help from the numerous volunteers in the sports clubs around us, it would just not be possible to host a tournament on the current scale.

Hosting a football tournament is popular and competition is fierce, but with the experience and expertise of our 17-strong committee with members representing each and every facet of Nørhalne Cup, we are certain that we can continue to host a successful tournament for many years to come. The 17 members of the committee each have their own group of helpers and we are proud to say that we have around 295 volunteers from Nørhalne who provide their help every year.

Along with our partner clubs, we have around 1,900 people involved in Nørhalne Cup & Nørhalne Elite Cup during the 5 days in which the tournament lasts, in addition to which there are a number of people who put in a lot of work to ensure that preparations for the tournament are in place.


See our partnership club logos here


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Sponsorer og Samarbejdspartnere


Nørhalne Cup

Nørhalne Cup & Nørhalne Elite Cup is an international tournament for Boys and girls and for Elite / Academy teams. The tournament is well organized and ran throughout and players love their experience, both on and of the pitch.

Idrætsforeningen FREMAD Nørhalne
Gustav Zimmersvej 27, Nørhalne
9430 Vadum


Please contact us for more information, ask for brochure or sign in the tournament.

  +45 4040 3856

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